Clinical Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is a trance-like state of comfortably relaxed focus and concentration, achieved with the help of a clinical hypnotherapist. This trance-like state is similar to being completely absorbed in a book, movie, music, or even one's own thoughts or meditations. It is important to note that you will always remain in full control of your senses, although feel safe and comfortable enough to suspend your attention or reaction to anything beyond what you choose to attend to during the clinical hypnosis session. In this state, clients can turn their attention completely inward to find and utilize the natural resources deep within themselves that can help them make changes or regain control in certain areas of their life. Clinical Hypnotherapy can help with the following:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Overall Wellness
- Stress
- Smoking Cessation
- Weight Loss
- Relaxation
- Grief & Loss